Yesterday the UK Government shut down non essential retail operations.
Laundries are classed as a essential service so we will do our best to remain open and functioning at this time.
Our store will be open for people to drop off and collect their laundry. We have notices up asking for only one customer at a time to enter the retail area, if you do visit please respect that or you will be asked to leave until the area is clear.
By far the easiest option is to use our online booking service and arrange both the collection and delivery day/time in one go and make payment. That way we can follow a non contact delivery protocol as we don’t have to handle cash or use a card machine.
You can of course still book a collection by telephoning 0191 490 1997 and we will make the necessary arrangements.
Please don’t ask us to visit if you have a suspected case of the virus in your house, follow the advice and wait until correct time period has lapsed before asking us to collect laundry.
Lastly, the situation is fast changing and as a business we have to balance the essential service we provide with our ability to look after employees and continue to survive as a business. This has meant changes to our opening hours and our collection and delivery times. As changes happen there will be updates via our website, google, and facebook.
Currently store hours are 10.00 – 4.00 Monday to Friday.
Collection and Delivery is now limited to mornings only.
Stay safe – keep Calm – Keep Clean – The Laundry Co