10 Work & Life Hacks to Boost Happiness

1. Create your happiness routine A happiness routine? Yep, that’s right. Small habits that we do every day can make or break our happiness, and building a routine around boosting your mood means you’ll be constantly building yourself up in small and easy ways.  ...

10 GENIUS Laundry Hacks You Have To See

1. Eliminate Creases with a Pool Noodle Sick of those unsightly lines caused by your drying rack? Here’s a hack that’s easy and affordable. Take a basic pool noodle, make a cut along one side, and slide it onto your rack. Bye-bye, creases! 2. Use Aluminium...

8 Hacks To Make Doing Laundry Easier

Why do clothes come out of the dryer wrinkled? Do you really need to sort laundry into whites and colors? If you want to know how to get wrinkle-free clothes, dry wet clothes fast, and whether or not you need to separate laundry, these 8 laundry hacks and tips will...